Cotton boll weevil, its shape and how to eliminate it

Cotton boll weevil, its shape and how to eliminate it

Cotton boll weevil, its shape and how to eliminate it Cotton boll weevils are notorious for causing serious damage to cotton production since they cannot find food indoors, so these insects do not invade homes, yet they can use clothing or equipment and thus end up at home. Its visit is usually temporary because pests cannot stay inside The almond weevil first appeared in the United States in 1892, and by 1950 it was estimated to have destroyed the cotton crop and it is estimated that this crop cost about 10 billion dollars Unlike many other insects, the almond weevil is resistant to traditional insecticides and toxins, so it is difficult to get rid of them, but today we will show you the most important measures to combat it, but at the beginning we will show you some of its characteristics so that it is easier for you to identify them The outer shape of the cotton boll weevil • Features black, reddish brown or gray • With a prominent nose bearing the parts of the mouth • They vary in size from approximately 1/8 to ½ inch • Often bulb or pear shaped • The most important characteristic of the larvae is that they are legless larvae, but they have brown heads What does the cotton boll weevil feed on? The diet of the boll weevil consists only of cotton plants and closely related plants. During the larval stage, the boll weevil feeds on the surrounding cotton, making the buds and flower unusable for cotton harvesting. The life cycle of the cotton boll weevil The adults spend the winter hibernating inside the leaves and fly to the cotton fields in the spring. After feeding for 3 to 7 days, the weevils mate and the females lay eggs in flower buds, especially cotton or almonds, 1/4 inch or more in diameter. The larvae hatch within 2 to 5 days and the larvae feed for 7 to 14 days and develop through several developmental stages. Then the adults emerge within 4 to 6 days and chew their way out of the cotton or almond box in which they grew up. Development from egg to adult can be completed in 16 to 18 days Where can this insect be found? They are found in the United States as well as in other regions with high concentrations of cotton crops such as South America. How to prevent and get rid of the cotton boll weevil • If the mites have not invaded, there is time for some prevention. • Check outside for any openings around doors or windows that mites can use to get inside. • Homeowners who see mites are more likely to deal with types of stored products. • The most important control method is to find and eliminate the infested material. A thorough examination of the items prior to purchase can help prevent a new infection. • Products with perforations or signs of damage on the packaging should not be purchased. • Vacuuming is a quick way to remove mites from walls and furniture. • And make sure to take the vacuum cleaner outside to empty it so as not to bring mites back into the house. Companies specialized in combating these insects If you cannot control it, and if it spreads inside your home and penetrates, you should contact a specialized company. We will show you the best companies specialized in combating these beetles in the Arab world, especially Kuwait: • Company to combat beetles Hawally. • The Ahmadi Beetle Control Company. • Mubarak Al-Kabeer beetle control company. • Company to combat beetles Salmiya.. • The Jahra Beetle Control Company. • Also, Abdullah Al-Mubarak, the company for combating beetles. The opening speech is sousse almond cotton Meta cotton boll weevil is one of the pests that can destroy an entire cotton crop and the United States of America has suffered from it for a long time and you have ways to get rid of it.

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