The black widow spider is the most dangerous type of spider and how to get rid of it

The black widow spider is the most dangerous type of spider and how to get rid of it

The black widow spider is the most dangerous type of spider and how to get rid of it The black widow spider is one of the most dangerous venomous spiders in the world. This is because especially if you are bitten by a female black widow spider it has giant venom glands that can cause pain. These spiders are found in North America, especially the United States and Mexico, and they are medium-sized spiders. Be careful and switch in the opposite direction if you see a spider showing a red-hot color at that moment, approaching it may cause damage to you. We will show you ways to combat them in this article because such spiders may be fatal to young children. What distinguishes the shape of the females of these spiders from the males? Female black widow spiders are about 1.5 inches long and have shiny black bodies and a rounded belly that feature red hourglass-shaped markings on the underside and the color of this clock can sometimes be yellowish-orange. Males are about half the size of females and are less distinct than females with red or pink spots on their backs and the male is lighter in color than the female. Where does the black widow spider live? In temperate regions of the world including the United States, southern Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa and most of South America black widows are found. Because they avoid hot regions, these spiders live in colder parts of the United States, Mexico, and Canada. These venomous spiders hide when the weather cools down and disappear like ordinary spiders. The nets devour their victims as they wait for cockroaches, spiders, and beetles to reach their nets and get stuck upside down and spread poison in them. What are the symptoms of a black widow spider bite? The venom that affects the nervous system is made by the black widow spider, which is mildly impaired by some individuals. But others may have a serious reaction in which severe discomfort, burning, swelling and redness at the sting site can be felt right away and two canine marks are also likely to be seen. These symptoms can gradually increase as there is abdominal pain, nausea, difficulty breathing, tremors, muscles begin to stiffen, and sometimes the person cannot move their legs. To avoid the presence of these spiders in your home, follow the following methods: • Carefully remove any items they might be hiding in. • Wear gloves to handle debris or objects such as firewood. • Without gloves, do not handle garden, firewood, pine straw and such things. • You should not walk barefoot. • In storage rooms remove as much debris as possible and clean regularly, cleaning walls, room corners and under furniture. • To deter insects and spiders from living next to the building, cut the weeds around the base of the building and remove the trash. • Also to discourage spiders (as well as other unwanted pests) from getting inside, seal the holes tightly. How to get rid of a black widow spider (1) Apply strong scents These spiders have a very strong sense of smell and they are rumored to dislike strong scents such as lemon, eucalyptus, tea tree oil, and peppermint. So apply and spray these scents on the edges of walls, baseboards, corners, and furniture below. 2) Use vinegar to get rid of these spiders It is known that the acidity of the vinegar leads to burning the spider's body upon contact, so put equal amounts of vinegar and water and spray it on the spider if you see it or the egg sacs. (3) By using a vacuum cleaner Use the vacuum cleaner to sweep away any spider webs and look carefully for where they are, especially in inconspicuous places such as corners, dark places and under furniture. (4) Use pesticides and traps Insecticides can eliminate any existing spiders and prevent new spiders, especially those that are oil-based, including pyrethrins, which are best for targeting egg sacs. Also use traps because these spiders are known to target other insects and this will help get rid of them. What companies to combat these spiders in Kuwait? If you are not able to get rid of these spiders and combat them, you should contact one of the companies specialized in combating this type of spiders. One of the most famous companies in the Arab world, especially Kuwait: • Company to combat black widow spiders, Hawalli. • The Ahmadi Black Widow Spider Control Company. • As well as the company to combat black widow spiders, Abdullah Al-Mubarak. • Black widow spider control company, Salmiya. • The Jahra Black Widow Spider Control Company. • Also, Mubarak Al-Kabeer Black Widow Spiders Control Company. Keyword: black widow spider Description The black widow spider is one of the most poisonous spiders in the world, and its bite can be fatal to children, so it is important to know how to combat it and get rid of it.

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