Bed Bug Extermination Compan

Bed Bug Extermination Compan

With the arrival of summer and the rise in temperature, some insects appear in the home and in places where furniture, furnishings, and items that are not well-ventilated are present. One of the most common insects in this case is the bed bug, which causes annoyance to many people due to its spread over a period of time. This has led many people to search for ways to prevent and eliminate these insects, especially since they feed on human blood, causing swelling and severe sensitivity upon biting. Many statistics have confirmed that a gram of household dust contains 19,000 bed bugs. This insect causes many damages as it is difficult to get rid of, but the pest control company, with its high-quality services, guarantees a permanent solution to this problem for all its customers. The company possesses many modern pesticides and methods, and in this article, we will learn about them in detail.

The Dangers/Risks of Bed Bugs

Many people are unaware of the dangers of bed bugs and the importance of taking precautions to limit and eliminate them, despite the fact that they are a source of complaints and annoyance for others. Bed bugs are a major cause of all types of allergies, such as nasal, chest, and skin allergies. However, despite all of these mentioned risks, there is no need to worry or fear because the company has a complete and experienced team that has been in the field for over ten years, capable of completely eliminating bed bugs without causing any disturbance. There is no need to change the furniture in the house or to worry and stress because the bed bug and pest control company is committed to ensuring your safety and health

Bed Bug Extermination and Control Company

The bed bug is a cursed and malicious insect that is a source of annoyance because it is difficult to get rid of. It has six legs and has been around for many years. It is a small, oval-shaped insect with a brown color. It tends to be found in the fur of pets, shoes, used furniture, and its presence is marked by clusters in the folds of carpets, bedding, and household furniture. The company has a number of specialized staff and experts in bed bug control and conducts training courses for its employees on how to use and handle modern and advanced equipment.

Reasons for the presence of bed bugs

The reason for the presence and spread of bed bugs is attributed to the lack of sunlight and air reaching the affected area, as well as the excessive darkness and humidity of the place. Neglecting the cleanliness and proper care of the place is also a factor, as well as lack of ventilation in the room. Buying used furniture that is infected with bed bugs or transmission of infection from another place through a person's clothes or raising animals are also reasons.

types of pesticides used to eliminate bed bugs

There are many types of pesticides used to eliminate bed bugs, which the company uses and the team that sprays for bed bugs in Kuwait conducts a comprehensive inspection of the premises. Some of these pesticides include:


Texobug: This pesticide is considered one of the best types used to get rid of bed bugs. It consists of bromine butoxide, diazinon, chlorpyrifos, and deltamethrin.

Dry powder: Dry powder that cannot be dissolved can also be used. Propelt powder can be mixed at a rate of 200 grams, chema powder at a rate of 100 grams, and kerosene powder at a rate of 200 grams.

The company also uses a formulation called Tickobugs, which is effective and excellent in eliminating bed bugs permanently.

The company imports the highest quality pesticides from foreign countries.

signs that indicate the presence of bed bugs in a place

There are many signs that indicate the presence of bed bugs in a place, as they only come out at night. These signs include:


Intense biting during sleep, as bed bugs feed on blood.

Foul odors due to the large number of bed bugs present, indicating their concentration in the area.

Black spots of bed bug feces on walls and furniture.

Directly spotting the bed bugs on clothing, furniture or bedding.

To get rid of bed bugs, you should contact a pest control service and inform them of the problem. They have a technical team that can respond to all customer inquiries either by calling the company's phone number or by responding to WhatsApp messages at any time of the day. The company also offers discounts on its services and conducts periodic follow-up after bed bug extermination to ensure that the bed bugs do not return.




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