Indoor rat control in kuwait

Indoor rat control in kuwait

Indoor rat control

Rat control is never an easy task but fortunately there are different options for getting rid of mice.

Mice carry diseases and pose a health risk to humans.

They can be incredibly destructive as chewing through walls and electrical wires. If you want to protect your home, the only option is to read the article to find out how to get rid of mice for good.



What are rats?

Rats are unwelcome visitors in your home.

Most people are familiar with what mice look like but let's take a deeper look at where they live, how they choose their shelter, and what they eat.

Mice are medium-toothed rodents that originated in Asia and Australia and have spread all over the world. According to the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) there are more than 60 species of mice.

Rats can range in length from tiny - about 5 inches - to a really intimidating version of the size of a large house cat and can weigh five pounds or more.


What do mice need?


Mice are omnivores, so they will eat anything available to them. Although mice are notorious for scavenging trash and eating leftover food, some mice kill small animals such as birds and lizards to get food.




Rats can survive for a month or more without drinking water directly. This is because they get enough water in the foods they eat. When they need to drink water, mice can usually find enough in drains, pet dishes, or walls.


the shelter

In the wild, mice get the shelter they need from weeds, weeds and other plants. In homes, mice take refuge under furniture, behind walls, or in dark corners of the house.

They are also famous for making nests inside and under devices.

disease transmission

Increased rat population puts you at risk of rodent-borne diseases. Mice are notorious for carrying a variety of dangerous diseases. It has recently been shown that they are carriers of hepatitis E. Many of them carry typhus, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).



Four signs of a house rat infestation

1- Strange smells and sounds

Mice emit a strong ammonia smell. They also make very loud noises - squeaking, scratching and rustling sounds as they move around your house. Noting any of these signs is an indication that rats are in the building.


2- excrement

Mice leave droppings behind as they move around your house. You may notice small, dark, pellet-shaped droppings along the mice's main pathways. Since mice have poor eyesight, they also create and maintain firm paths along walls.

As they walk these roads, they leave marks along the walls.


3- Footprints

Take a look at the corners of the house that are rarely used. Rats often leave footprints where they move.



4- damage

Last but not least, mice will leave damage in their wake. They may chew on electrical wires, nibble on furniture, storage containers, or paper, and eat food left on the table.

They can also leave droppings and urine all over your home, increasing the risk of disease.



How to get rid of mice that live in the house quickly

Fortunately, these tips can help you figure out how to get rid of mice in your home:


1- home inspection

Before you can get rid of mice, you need to do a complete home inspection to see where they come from.


Check outside: Pay special attention to damaged drains, cracks in doors, gaps around openings, and spaces in the foundation.

Inside the home: Look at vents, drains, appliance lines, and other potential access points. Once you know where the mice will reach the house, you can close the entry points and set traps.


2- Fill in the gaps

Mice do not need a large entry point to enter your home. In fact, they can enter through any hole that you can insert two fingers into. With this in mind, seal any gaps in the interior or exterior walls.

For better results, fill these gaps with wire wool or cement. Check them a few times a month to make sure they are well maintained.



3- Cleaning

Rats love shelter and places to hide. One of the best ways to get rid of mice without using poison is to get rid of their hiding places. Get rid of trash in and around your home and away from it.

Keep litter in closed bins, clean up any spills quickly, and keep pipes and drains clean.


4- Mouse traps

As dangerous rodenticides and poisons became undesirable or banned, trapping became the most effective method of rat extermination; It kills mice quickly and effectively. Trapping is a poison-free way to reduce rat populations.

If you are going to set your own traps, make sure you use plenty of them and that you place the traps in areas of high rat activity. Use peanut butter, unsalted seeds, bananas, or apples as bait.




5- Use natural deterrents

When it comes to getting rid of mice, a few simple natural ingredients can go a long way.

Try these natural options:

Spread peppermint oil, cayenne pepper, black pepper, or cloves around the outside of the house to prevent mice from entering the house in the first place. Lay the material of your choice generously along the line between the foundation of the house and the ground.

Sprinkle ground pepper (or pepper spray) near rat holes and holes. This will irritate the mice's noses and airways and discourage them from returning to your home.

6- Call a professional pest management company

If you have wall mice, contact a pest management company in your area to help eradicate them.

They will help locate rats' entry points, locate nesting places and get them out of your home's walls without causing further damage to your home.

Professionals can also help you determine the root cause of the injury and prevent mice from returning in the future.



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