Silverfish insect its shape, damage and ways to get rid of it permanently

Silverfish insect its shape, damage and ways to get rid of it permanently

Silverfish insect, its shape, damage and ways to get rid of it permanently Silverfish (Silverfish, sugar lickers, wallfish, or sugar libsma) are a small nocturnal insect that can become a pest in the home. These insects got their name from their color (silver, grayish brown) and fish-like movement thanks to their tapered tails and antennae (antennas). They move quickly so they can escape from predators and humans and tend to hide in dark areas. Silverfish are common in the United States and are usually found in damp areas such as bathrooms, basements, and attics indoors. They prefer to hide from humans, which means that any harm they cause may also go unnoticed. Read on to learn more about silverfish control and how to get rid of it. What does a silverfish look like? They are very distinctive insects that have a flat body often resembling a teardrop, a carrot or a fish with a long pair of antennae and 3 long, hair-like limbs sticking out from the back of the body. Silverfish have silvery gray scales covering their bodies as the name suggests. Adults are about ½-3/4 inch (12-19 mm) long and have no wings. This insect moves very quickly in a fish-like manner. Why do these insects invade the house? They are spread inside attics, laundry rooms, kitchens, toilets, basements as well as dark and damp places. They feed on items containing starch and/or sugars such as pictures, paper, glue, sugar, wallpaper, and bookbinding. Does silverfish cause damage? The silverfish is not a threat to humans because it does not bite and does not spread disease, however it can cause damage to personal property, especially those made of paper. They invade things such as wallpaper, books, and envelopes, so they may become damaged as a result of the silverfish infestation over time, so this type of insect must be controlled and disposed of. They also feed on clothing, glue, as well as food products such as oat flakes and flour. Their presence also sometimes attracts carpet beetles and causes discomfort due to their strange appearance. How to fight silverfish bug? Homeowners often take silverfish indoors without their knowledge. When brought indoors, cardboard boxes and plastic containers recently stored in infested areas can allow these insects to spread. Here are ways to combat it using household ingredients and tools available in many stores: • Inside a glass bowl put starchy food and wrap the outside with duct tape in this way you can control these insects as the insects crawl onto the tight surface of the tape The silverfish will enter the container but may not be able to get out. • Wet a newspaper until insects crawl to it and make their homes and nests, and after a few days get rid of the newspaper or burn it to eliminate it. • Place sticky traps on which insects can crawl and get stuck so that insects can be controlled and eliminated. • You can use a small amount of poison to control the silverfish bug and do not use this method if you have pets or children who may eat or touch the poison. • All around the house you can use dried bay leaves to combat silverfish. Its oils repel this bug and other insects. However, if your home has a major infestation, you should contact a pest control company. Store-bought traps and insecticides will only kill individual insects and cannot treat an entire infestation. Some people try using cinnamon to combat these insects from certain areas, but it does not kill the insects or their larvae. Tips to prevent these insects from entering the house: • Place all food in airtight containers: this will prevent moisture. • Clean your home regularly: This will prevent silverfish from particles that may contain starches or sugars that you like to eat. • Keep clothes in a dry environment: Store clothes in places where insects cannot enter. • Cover cracks, holes and openings to keep them away and avoid laying eggs. • Ventilate any warm and humid rooms: This includes your bathroom and kitchen, open windows and doors, and turn on fans to remove moisture from the air. Companies specialized in combating these insects If you cannot control it, and if it spreads inside your home and penetrates, you should contact a specialized company. We will show you the best companies specialized in combating these insects in the Arab world, especially Kuwait: • Pest Control Company, Hawally. • Al-Ahmadi Pest Control Company. • Also Mubarak Al-Kabeer Pest Control Company. • Pest Control Company Salmiya.. • Al-Jahra Pest Control Company. • Also, Abdullah Al-Mubarak Pest Control Company. Keyword silverfish insect Description The silverfish is one of the insects that enters the house in search of food, where it feeds on many materials in the house. Learn how to combat it.

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