chemical pesticides, types, benefits and negative effects

chemical pesticides, types, benefits and negative effects

Chemical pesticides, types, benefits and negative effects Chemical pesticides are any substance used by humans to control pests. Pests may be insects, plant diseases, fungi, or others. These pesticides are used to control insects by killing them or preventing them from engaging in unwanted or destructive behaviors. Types of chemical pesticides Chemical pesticides can be classified according to their nature into the following categories: 1) Organophosphates: • It is organic formulations of phosphoric, thiophosphoric and other phosphoric and thiophosphoric acids. • For example, malathion, parathion, phenytrothion, etc. • Malathion is therefore widely used in agriculture, residential landscaping, public recreation areas, and in public health pest control programs such as mosquito eradication in some countries and is the most widely used organophosphate insecticide. • Most organophosphates are broad spectrum insecticides that affect the nervous system by inactivating the enzyme that regulates the neurotransmitter. • As a result, it is considered the most toxic insecticide for vertebrates. 2) Organochlorine: • Organochlorines are chlorinated organic compounds that decompose very slowly. • Most of them act on nerve cells by causing a sodium/potassium imbalance which prevents the normal transmission of nerve impulses. • Examples of organochlorines are DDT, BHC, Aldrin, Endosulphan, etc. • DDT is the most famous chemical in the world and is the oldest synthetic insecticide. 3) Carbamate: • Carbamates are organic compounds derived from carbamic acid (NH2COOH). • Like carbamates are aldicarb (Temic), carbofuran (Furadan), carbaryl (Seven), ethinocarb, phenocarb, oxamyl and methomyl. • Therefore, carbamate pesticides also affect the nervous system by inactivating an enzyme that regulates neurotransmitters and kill insects by reversibly inhibiting acetylcholinesterase. • It has a very broad spectrum and is highly toxic especially to fish. 4) Pyrethroids: • Pyrethroids are synthetic derivatives of pyrethrins. Pyrethrins are obtained from a plant called the chrysanthemum plant. • These compounds are today's fastest growing groups of chemicals that are highly toxic and very expensive. • They are chemical pesticides that repel insects or prevent their feeding. • There are two main types of these compounds, pyrethrins from wild chrysanthemum type plants and the rotenoid produced by the roots of rainforest legumes. • Both types of compounds are biodegradable, effective in low doses, and cause little harm to animals such as birds and mammals including humans. 5) Neonicotinoids: • Neonicotinoid belongs to the neuroactive chemical insecticides chemically similar to nicotine. • On 24 May 2013 the European Commission imposed a number of use restrictions on neonicotinoid insecticides, which are suspected to be a contributing factor to bee colony collapse disorder. • For example, acetamiprid, clotanidine, nitinpiram, thiacloprid, and imidacloprid Benefits of chemical pesticides • The main advantage of pesticides is that they can save farmers by protecting crops from insects and other pests. • Pesticides help reduce insect-borne diseases. • Pesticides are used to preserve and protect the environment, as they can help in deforestation, eroding the soil and preserving natural resources. • Also, pesticides give food products a long and viable shelf life in storage rooms or warehouses. Negative effects of chemical pesticides • Toxic chemicals are designed to be intentionally released into the environment. Although each pesticide is intended to kill a specific pest, a very large percentage of pesticides reach a destination other than where they end up in our food. • Pesticides have been linked to risks to human health, from short-term effects such as headaches and nausea to chronic effects such as cancer and reproductive harm. • The use of these also reduces the overall biodiversity of the soil. If there are no chemicals in the soil the soil quality will be higher and this allows for higher water retention which is essential for plant growth. Among the most famous companies specialized in pest control in the Arab world, especially Kuwait: • Pest Control Company, Hawally. • Al Ahmadi Pest Control Company. • Also Mubarak Al-Kabeer Pest Control Company. • Insect Control Company Salmiya. • Al-Jahra Pest Control Company. • Also, Abdullah Al Mubarak Pest Control Company Opening statement chemical pesticides

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