Cleaning and sterilizing homes in Kuwait from insects and rodents

Cleaning and sterilizing homes in Kuwait from insects and rodents

Cleaning and sterilizing homes in Kuwait from insects and rodents

In 2019, health authorities warned the public about COVID-19, a new and highly contagious respiratory disease that was discovered in Wuhan, China. Within weeks, the disease spread, and as of March 2020, there were more than 50,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the United States. As of March 2021, the total number of confirmed cases in the United States has exceeded 29 million. More than 520,000 deaths have been recorded in the country and there are thousands of new cases every day.


Best practices to reduce transmission of COVID-19 are based on avoiding close contact, implementing social isolation (i.e. staying at least 6 feet away from people who do not live in your home), wearing a mask in public places and adjusting ventilation systems from homes and businesses.


Federal authorities also recommend cleaning and disinfecting surfaces to kill severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2, or SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19).


About this resource

Due to federal and other state and local guidance, you may already be cleaning and disinfecting surfaces as part of your overall personal or professional strategy to prevent the spread and spread of COVID-19. This guide provides information for safely and effectively applying these measures to prevent the spread of disease.


The National Center for Healthy Home Cleaning and Disinfection Guidelines focuses solely on cleaning and disinfection and does not include or replace other federal and local public health guidance to prevent the spread of COVID-19.


Although this resource was designed in response to COVID-19, many of the strategies and resources listed here also help prevent the spread of influenza and other infectious diseases.


The National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH), in collaboration with the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA), has compiled resources and updated this page to provide complete and up-to-date information about cleaning and disinfection in connection with COVID-19. This guide, which includes content and resources aggregated from federal agencies, national partners, and state and local agencies and organizations, is intended to provide guidance to the general public on safe and effective cleaning and disinfection procedures for the home and everyday life.


Directory Sections

This guide contains cleaning and disinfection instructions on the following topics:


General information and best practices

Hand hygiene and personal protective equipment (PPE)


Environmental cleaning products





Definition of "cleaning" and "disinfection"

To safely and effectively perform these tasks and protect your home and safety from COVID-19, it is important that you understand the difference between “cleaning” and “disinfecting.”



Cleaning is the physical removal of organic and inorganic materials (dirt) and other impurities from a surface. Usually, dish soap and water are used for this task. While it does not kill germs or viruses, cleaning surfaces and objects regularly with dish soap and water reduces the concentration of viruses and the risk of infection and spread.



Disinfection is the use of chemicals to reduce or eliminate the concentration of disease-causing microorganisms (such as bacteria and viruses) on surfaces. In other words, disinfection makes it possible to kill a high percentage of germs or prevent them from multiplying.


How do you know when disinfection is necessary and when cleaning is sufficient

While disinfecting products kill germs, they also carry health risks. For this reason, it is important to know in which cases disinfection is necessary and in which cases cleaning with soap and water is sufficient.


Disinfecting products contain chemicals that can cause eye and skin irritation and can be toxic if swallowed. These chemicals can also irritate the lungs and trigger asthma attacks and can be especially dangerous for people with respiratory problems.


Moreover, these chemicals are also dangerous to children if swallowed. At home, disinfecting products should not be used on things that children touch frequently (such as toys), especially things that can be put in the mouth. If they are things that children touch frequently, cleaning them with soap and water is usually sufficient. If you have a childcare center, there are specific considerations for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces that children frequently touch. See the directions for child care centers in the Facilities section of this guide for which surfaces to clean and which surfaces to disinfect.


At home, surfaces and objects that are not often touched should be cleaned with soap and water; It is not necessary to disinfect it. Cleaning followed by disinfection is recommended only on frequently touched surfaces.


Here are some examples of these types of roofs:


tables and chairs

door handles

light switches

electronics devices





See the Homes and Utilities sections for the surfaces you should clean and disinfect based on your needs


Reopening: Recommendations for cleaning and disinfecting public places, workplaces, businesses, schools and homes

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website contains a guide that can help you create a plan and questions designed to determine which surfaces and objects need to be cleaned regularly and which surfaces and objects need to be disinfected.


The two-step process

First clean and then disinfect. If you decide that cleaning and sanitizing are necessary, it is important to know that they are two separate processes. Cleaning removes dirt and prepares the surface for effective disinfection. The cleaner the surface, the more effective the disinfection. The SARS-CoV-2 disinfection and disposal process is only effective on surfaces free of dirt, organic and inorganic materials. Disinfection does not remove dirt from surfaces and is much less effective if they are dirty. Since cleaning and disinfection are two separate processes with different functions, it is necessary to clean first and disinfect later.



cleaning and disinfection

The CDC's interim recommendations for the home during the COVID-19 pandemic include definitions of the terms "cleaning" and "disinfection" and describe both processes. [Link; Center for Disease Control. 2020] [English] Introduction, Methods and Definition of Terms

This CDC resource provides general guidelines for disinfection and sterilization in health care settings and provides detailed definitions of the terms "cleaning" and "disinfection." [Link; CDC, 2016] [English] Cleaning and Disinfection: What's the Difference?

The Water Quality and Health Council (WQHC) provides definitions and explains the importance of following the order of these processes. [Link; WQHC]


Product Stickers

In addition to cleaning and then sanitizing, it is important to read product labels carefully. In addition, it is equally important to follow the instructions on the labels. These instructions are not suggestions. Users must adhere to them to ensure safety and efficacy.


Product labels contain an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registration number. This number indicates that the product has been reviewed by the Environmental Protection Agency and can be used to check if it is part of the agency's list of disinfection products effective against COVID-19. See the Products section of this guide if you need help choosing effective disinfectant products.


When reading and following the label instructions, it is important to pay attention to the following main points:


Contact Time: Contact time or exposure time is the period of time during which the surface must remain visibly wet. This allows to guarantee the effectiveness of the product.

Sign words: Disinfectant product labels contain one of three sign words. These may be "Danger", "Warning" or "Caution" and refer to the relative risk associated with the use of the product.

Precautionary Measures: These are the specific requirements relating to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that must be used to handle the product.

Types of Surfaces and Methods of Application - This section lists the surfaces the product is designed for and how to properly apply it.

STORAGE AND DISPOSAL - Labels include information on how to store and dispose of products safely.


List N: SARS-CoV-2 Disinfectants Instructions Available

About the following label instructions and a complete list of approved products with registration numbers, active ingredients, contact times, etc. on the EPA website. [Link; Environmental Protection Agency, 2020] [English] Six Steps to Using Disinfectants Safely and Effectively

This one-page infographic from the Environmental Protection Agency outlines the steps needed to use disinfectants safely and effectively, and also lists the facts to check and the importance of reading label instructions. [PDF; Environmental Protection Agency] [English] Cleaning and COVID-19: Reading the Label

In this article published by AgriLife Today, he explains how to read product labels and mentions key aspects of understanding sign words, precautionary measures, contact times, application methods, and appropriate surfaces, among others. [Link; AgriLife Today, 2020] [English] Disinfectant Product Labeling: A step-by-step guide to understanding ways to use disinfectant products effectively and steps to understanding product labels are detailed in Infection Control Today

article [link; Information and Communication Technology, 2011]



Diluted home bleach solutions are included in the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) interim recommendations for home disinfection. However, it is important to be careful when using bleach. Note the following precautions:


Bleach is corrosive and irritating. This means that it can harm the skin, eyes, and lungs if used incorrectly.

Wear gloves at all times and use them in well-ventilated areas. Do not spray the product under any circumstances.

Bleach can produce toxic fumes if mixed with other chemicals; Do not mix it with other products under any circumstances.

Always read the label and follow all product directions and safety protocols.

Do not use bleach near children or people with respiratory problems such as asthma.

If you want to use diluted bleach to disinfect surfaces, see the Products section to learn how to use it properly and safely.

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