How to get rid of bed bugs Learn about bed bugs first, then get rid of bed bugs

How to get rid of bed bugs Learn about bed bugs first, then get rid of bed bugs

How to get rid of bed bugs Learn about bed bugs first, then get rid of bed bugs oriental insecticide | Blood-sucking bed bugs, although there is no clear scientific evidence that they transmit diseases such as fleas, long-term bed bug bites can cause anemia, itching, unbearable pain, allergies, scars, etc. bed bugs? How do you get rid of bed bugs? Identify bed bugs first, then get rid of them Bed bugs, which were originally only active in dwellings, are now found in public places such as hotels, office buildings, restaurants, hospitals, schools and cinemas. Last year, 95 percent of pest management companies in the United States reported receiving calls from local residents infested with bed bugs. Characteristics of bed bugs: bed bugs are characterized as they like to suck blood, such as being active at night, and greedy to suck blood, especially nymphs, where the amount of blood sucking can increase 1 to 2 times their body weight. Tolerance, some people can develop papular urticaria. If a lot of bed bugs are parasitized for a long time, it can cause symptoms such as anemia, nervousness, insomnia and weakness. If you have bed bugs at your workplace, chances are you can take them home from work, or you can go to the door and take them home, because bed bugs can hide in your clothes, which is kinda scary to say the least, though That the odds are very small, but not impossible; When going out for tourism and business trips, especially abroad, if the hotel where you live has bed bugs, you are very likely to bring them home, then there is a move, if the carrier has bed bugs, it may also be possible to take them home. Bed bugs travel with clothing, suitcases, furniture, and other personal items, and so make their way into your home. (Note: try not to buy used things, especially furniture) If you understand the course of infestation, you will understand why bed bugs exist in a clean home environment. In fact, whether there are bed bugs has nothing to do with the home hygiene environment. Bed bugs come, but a clean environment in the house. The house is still necessary, poor hygiene can lead to the appearance of other pests. Types of Bed Bugs: Bed bugs belong to the family Insecta Hemiptera, also known as ticks and bed bugs. It generally inhabits narrow gaps and is a community; More common in bed plates, mattresses, box seams, wall gaps or wallpaper folds; Methods of controlling bed bugs: maintaining environmental hygiene; habitat reduction; chemical control, etc. Long-term bites can cause anemia, I read you correctly, you suffer from anemia after inhalation, the skin is red and swollen, the itching is unbearable, insomnia, people who have not been tortured by bed bugs will not experience this kind of taste, and they will fear when They see the bed.. Can you understand the feeling of fear when sleeping? No wonder some people commit suicide because of bed bugs, if you are depressed, you have been tormented by bed bugs for a long time and you can't solve it. Reminder: We generally choose any drug with the following requirements: 1. Low toxicity and no harm. 2 gm fast acting. 3 long-term low residual toxicity. 4 It is not easy to develop drug resistance. 5 affordable

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