unable to control German cockroaches in an apartment when there are already a lot of cockroaches

unable to control German cockroaches in an apartment when there are already a lot of cockroaches

now I am practical in this case and let's talk about why traditional control is unable to control German cockroaches in an apartment when there is already an infestation. an infestation typically the technician comes in once a month puts a product around all the baseboards in the kitchen of the bathrooms and the cockroach problem goes away. the problem with the German cockroach is that it is not in the baseboards and it doesn't go through the it's inside your cabinets inside the wall behind the cabinets behind all the electrical cabinets behind all the electrical effects and we're going to discuss how in our program it's more our program is more effective in controlling cockroaches one hundred percent in just two percent in just two applications the service that we use or the processes are related to integrated processes are related to integrated pest management which is the same service that is used in hospitals in service that is used in hospitals, in hotels, in organic processing distributorships and in manufacturing and in public schools it is also used in government buildings. also used in government buildings because because it doesn't contaminate your kitchen it doesn't contaminate your house it doesn't contaminate your house it doesn't contaminate your home it doesn't contaminate your kitchen it doesn't contaminate your home it doesn't contaminate your surfaces it doesn't contaminate your utensils utensils, steps, dishes and food it is one hundred percent effective in eliminating cockroach infestations. eliminating cockroach infestations and it takes approximately takes approximately 30 to 45 minutes for a traditional apartment kitchen is the size of a traditional the size of a traditional kitchen in an apartment and let's see why this cannot be control with a process that takes two minutes once a month with a product that is applied on a once a month with a product that is applied in an apartment to control a cockroach infestation. manna let's start on this side of the kitchen. this house this apartment had an infestation at one time we are doing a demonstration to see a demonstration to see for what reason control could not have been done before and in the demonstration what we are going to do is exactly how we do our services compared to the other companies in an environmentally companies in an environmentally responsible way we use three products in this case we are going to use a products in this case we are going to use an insect regulator we are going to use a gel bait we are going to use a gel bait a bait in gel bait, a powdered bait, monitors and we guide the pipes that come in from the next the German cockroach is a cockroach that is called tactical stigma. that's called a stigma tactic the reason that she's told that is that she needs to feel her body attached now indicates and feel protected on at least two sides and she lives inside the and lives inside the cracks does not live in open places most of the cockroaches that are in the most of the cockroaches that are in open places are the males. females stay here and every 13 weeks she is pregnant and produces a new egg and it takes 13 weeks to produce an egg. it takes 13 weeks to produce an egg and it grows about 6 weeks for that egg to cover weeks for that egg to hatch means that the treatment that we do today, 30 years from now, will be treatment that we do today in 30 days or six weeks from now those games are going to make it is almost impossible to prevent that that's why we have to do a service now there is a in 30 days to deal with what they are going to do and possibly a third party. typically we have a 90 to 95 percent control rate on the initial service by this method as the German cockroach gets in in days we have to put the product exactly to the we have to put the product exactly to the stocking was we see people who buy in the in the supermarket gel and put a strip of gel on the roach is not there so that it will to get out of where she is stuck and consumes that gel is impossible. secondly it contaminates the whole surface and the service was done badly. we are going to put it directly we are going to say to where it is already we are going to put it we are going to make a point there we put the syringe in there and put a dot there then you can see that the product is inside the indica it is not necessary to put a lot of products but only where it is directly because it is not going to walk. she is directly because she is not going to walk more than 5 meter with a cockroach. German cockroach is pregnant she will not walk more than 5 meter from her nest she will stay in that and it doesn't get out of there are the cockroaches with the product the advantage there is advantage there is with this product compared to any product that you buy on the market is that the active ingredient is that the active ingredient, the chemical that kills the cockroach, is a product that uses the biology of the cockroach. product that uses the bi

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