Bed bugs (bed bugs) on bail  Bug spraying company in Kuwait. It works to rid all its valued customers of bedbugs and bed bugs in a short time

Bed bugs (bed bugs) on bail Bug spraying company in Kuwait. It works to rid all its valued customers of bedbugs and bed bugs in a short time

Bed bugs, their danger, and the best ways to combat and get rid of them Bed bugs are harmful household pests. They are invisible, difficult to find and for people, they can pose potential health risks. Bed bugs feed only on blood and must take daily blood meals that they normally get from humans while they sleep. Humans are not only prey for bugs but can also attack some warm-blooded species including poultry and other birds. Bedbugs are found almost anywhere including homes, hospitals, businesses, stores, and even public transportation. What is the bed bugs? Bedbugs are small, oval, brown insects that live on the blood of animals or humans. They have bodies the size of an apple seed and are flat, yet their bodies swell after feeding and their color tends to red. Bed bugs do not fly, but they can move over floors, walls, and ceilings. Hundreds of eggs, each the size of a speck of dust, a female bed bug may lay over the course of her life, which is a huge number. Before reaching maturity, these insects are called nymphs. Bed bugs shed their skin five times and need a blood meal before each shedding stage. Under optimal conditions in less than a month the insects will be fully grown and produce three or more generations each year. The danger of bed bugs to humans Despite its proximity to humans and its presence in many locations around the world, it does not transmit any known diseases. Bed bugs that bite humans and animals physically will leave a slight red bump that can irritate the surrounding skin. Some people develop an allergic reaction to a sting that can be treated with some creams and antihistamines. But a severe reaction requires immediate medical treatment, which involves difficulty breathing or a rash. The level of the reaction depends on how sensitive you are to the sting. While bedbugs do not have the ability to spread disease, they are capable of transmitting a specific parasite called Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi), which can cause Chagas disease in some cases, according to a 2014 study by Penn Medicine on the transmission of T. cruzi via bed bugs. The results revealed that at least one specific parasite that was capable of causing disease could be spread by bedbugs. The plus side is that bed bugs are still not as contagious as mosquitoes that can carry hundreds of diseases and go on to kill thousands of people every year. Symptoms of bed bug bites The appearance of redness in the skin with itching. Some people do not react to the bites, while others have an allergic reaction that can include severe itching or blisters. Several bites can appear in a line or group in a small area of ​​the body and cause a burning sensation. Most bites are painless at first but later develop into itchy bruises. These insects may not feed every night in fact they can go several days without eating. Where do bed bugs hide? Bed bugs are nocturnal creatures that are mostly active at night and usually do not crawl for long periods and do not have wings, but prefer to stay near potential blood meal hosts. Through luggage, clothing, beds, used sofas and other items, bugs can enter your home undetected as their flat bodies enable them to enter and stay in small spaces. These insects do not live in nests like ants or bees but prefer to live in groups. Their hiding areas are usually in mattresses, box springs and beds where they can bite quickly at night. However, they can spread across the bedroom over time and go to every crevice or safe place where they can hide, and these insects can spread to nearby rooms or apartments as well. How does it spread and multiply quickly? In a week the female lays five to seven eggs. With good nutrition, this reaches more than 250 eggs in a lifetime. The eggs take about 10 days to hatch and the bugs go through five post-hatching processes until they become adults and their exoskeleton sheds between each stage. Before shedding their skeleton, these insects need to eat at least daily, but they feed once a day, and it takes two to four months to reach adulthood. Bed bugs do not have wings, but they can crawl on their own to move around, which indicates that infestations can spread slowly in certain cases. But this does not prevent that they have the ability to move inside the walls through floor and ceiling openings and on pipes. When bugs get into people's clothes, furniture or luggage, they spread from one place to another and then people can move the bugs faster. Hotels, planes, cruise ships, and public transportation are ideal places to pick up these uninvited guests. The reason for the spread of bed bugs in the house Travel is commonly known to be the most common cause of spread of these insects as bedbugs move on people, clothing, luggage, or other personal belongings. And they are unintentionally moved to other places and sometimes the low level of hygiene is the reason for this. When one of their hosts turns on them in the middle of the night, their flat bodies often serve to protect them from being crushed. When the host is nearby they will come out of their hiding places to eat however the bugs are very careful about their actions. Insects usually wait until midnight before continuing to search for a blood meal and head toward the host to prevent detection and when they bite a light anesthetic is injected into the host. How to eliminate these harmful insects If you think there are these insects in your home, check for them in your bed and other places where they can be found as mentioned earlier. You can probably see the insects themselves and you can also find drops of blood or small black dots of insect droppings in your room. Contact your pest control company if you encounter such a situation. To contain and eliminate the infection, these tips help: • Vacuum and steam the floors and

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